

Is the Island in the Indian Ocean that lies 130km southeast of Dar – Es – Salaam and opposite the mouth of Rufiji River in Pwani region. Mafia Island is located 198km south of Zanzibar and it has a remnant block of threatened lowland coastal forests surviving along the eastern seaboard of the island. Several sites of historic ruins lie within the Island, some dating back to the 13th Century. Mafia Island’s separation from the main land and the absence of the Industrial Development have ensured that its surrounding waters are some of the least contaminated in Tanzania and thus an attraction as a tourism destination.


Mafia Island Marine Park area extends across some 822km, more than 75% of it is below the high water mark. The area hosts an outstanding mosaic of tropic marine habitats including coral Reefs, sea grass beds, mangroves, and inter-tidal flats. Two species of sea turtles use Mafia’s beaches as nesting grounds and the area has been recognized internationally as a critical site for biodiversity. The Marine Park area has National importance as one of the few remaining reef complexes within Tanzania’s coastal waters in relatively intact condition.



snorkeling in Mafia island

Your underworld trip to Mafia Island will be made memorable with sightings of angelfish, butterfly fish, fusiliers, damselfish, flatworms, nudibranchs and many more as you visit the Chole Wall. A part of the first Ocean reserve of Tanzania, Mafia Island Marine Park, Chole Bay is one of the most incredible Indian Ocean snorkeling locale in all of Africa. It will interest you to know that the bay is protected by monsoon winds by the Island that lie around it, and as a result, it is a first-rate location for snorkeling all months of the year. Chole Bay has an incredible range of undersea landscapes that you will enjoy exploring while on your Mafia beach holiday, and there are many locations that have shallow depths of less than 10 meters that are just right for the first time snorkeler.

Swimming with whale sharks

The Whale sharks weigh up to 15 tons they have a height of 17 to 18m, their diet is mostly planktons and they are found west coast between Kilindoni and Mbisi Lagoon. The peak period to experience these big gentle fish is October to March. Mafia Island experiences the longest whale shark season globally. The Marine guards will ensure a memorable and safe experience swimming with the whale sharks on Mafia Island.

swimming with fishes in Mafia Island

Blue Lagoon

Kua Lagoon in Mafia Island

Kua Lagoon is the fierce blue lagoon with a unique feature. As the tide changes the lagoon is a natural pool filled with upside-down jellyfish, it is a perfect site for snorkeling and relaxation as the only sound you will experience is of the birds, not even the waves of the ocean.